Daftar Tamu

Strip kode cbox sobat


Jumat, 22 April 2016



In the days of yore to the north of the city of arrowroot there is a village whose inhabitants are
mostly farmers. Because the land in the village is very fertile and is never short of water, the rice
fields they always produce rice that abound. But even so, the inhabitants of the village remains
poor shortcomings.
It was still a little dark and dew still hanging in the leaves, but the residents had rushed to their
fields. Today is the day of harvest. They will reap yellowed rice and sell it to a middleman
named Nyai Endit.
Nyai Endit is the richest man in the village. Her house is a luxury, rice granary very broad
because it should be enough to accommodate the rice bought from farmers in the village. Yes!
All farmers. And involuntary farmers that sell their crops to Nyai Endit.Mereka forced to sell all
their crops at low prices if you do not want to find the case with guard-watchman nyai Endit
errand. Then if the supply of rice they were exhausted, they must be purchased from the
housekeeper Endit with the rising prices.
"Oh yes fate when we change?" Said one farmer to his friend. "Do not hold me to live like this.
Why Well, God does not punish the usurer it? "

"Shhh, do not kenceng-kenceng atuh, later there were heard!" Replied his friend. "We have to be
patient mah! Later will come retaliation in kind for people who love doing injustice to others.
Kan mah God never sleeps! "
While iru Nyai Endit was checking the rice granary.
"Barja!" Said nyai Endit. "How? Are all the rice already purchased? "Said nyai Endit.
"Beres Nyi!" Replied the watchman called Barja. "It should be checked barn Nyi! The barn is
full filled rice, some even still we save out because it did not fit anymore. "
"Ha ha ha ha…! Soon they will run out of rice and will buy padiku. I will be rich !!! Good! Keep
an eye on the farmers, do not let them sell their crops elsewhere. Give a lesson for anyone who
disobey! "Said Nyai Endit.
Sure enough, a few weeks later the villagers started to run out of food and many were already
started to suffer from hunger. While Nyai Endit always partying with fancy foods at home.
"Oh sir, our rice supply is running low. Soon we are forced to buy rice to Nyai Endit. Next door
neighbor said the price is now five times higher compared to when we first sale. How ya pack?
Yet we also need to buy other purposes. O Lord, give us lightening up the load that we bear. "
That nagging the villagers over the arbitrariness Nyai Endit.
One hot afternoon, from the end of the village appeared a grandmother who walked bent over.
He passed settlements with a look of pity.
"Well, pity the inhabitants of this. They suffered only because of the behavior of a course. It
seems like this should be terminated, "thought the grandmother.
He walked over to a resident who was pounding rice.
"Nyi! I ride around, "said the grandmother.
"Yes grandma there what?" Said Nyi Asih being the rice pounding
"Where can I find the richest people in the village?" Asked the grandmother
"Oh, you mean the house Nyi Endit grandmother?" Said Nyi Asih. "It's close to Grandma.
Grandma stayed straight until you find a T-junction. Ago grandma turn left. Later the
grandmother will see a very large house. That's her home. Indeed, there needs to be a
grandmother at Nyi Endit what? "
"I want to ask for alms," said the grandmother.
"Ah useless grandmother asked him, going ga given. If hungry grandma, grandma could eat at
my house, but sober, "said Nyi Asih.
"No need," said the grandmother. "I Just want to know his reaction if there are beggars ask for
alms. O yes, please you tell other people to get ready to evacuate. Because soon there will be a
big flood. "
"Grandma kidding?" Said Nyi Asih shock. "Where there may be flooding in the dry season."
"I'm not kidding," said the grandmother. "I was the one who would give lessons on Nyi Endit.
Therefore immediately mengungsilah, bring valuables belong to you, "said the grandmother.
After that the grandmother went meniggalkan Nyi Asih still dazed.
Meanwhile Nyai Endit enjoying abundant dishes, as well as the centengnya. The beggar arrived
in front of the house Nyai Endit and directly confronted by the thugs.
"Hey old beggar! Get out of here! Do not let this dirty porch stepped on your feet! "Snapped
"I want to ask for alms. There may be leftover food that I can eat. For three days I did not eat,
"said the grandmother.
"What do I care," snapped thugs. "Just what I was your father? If you want to buy a meal so do
not ask! There, a quick go before I drag! "
But the old woman did not budge in its place. "Nyai Endit out! I want to ask for alms. Nyai
Endiiiit ...! "Cried the grandmother.
Centeng- guard was trying to drag the grandmother who kept screaming, but to no avail.
"Who the hell is screaming out," said Nyai Endit. "Disturb people eat it!"
"Hey ...! Who are you old grandmother? Why screaming in front of the house? "Snapped Nyai
"I Just want to ask a little bit of food because it has been three days I did not eat," said the
"Lah..ga eat the same I ask why? Nothing! Get out of here! Later many flies kissed you smell,
"said Nyai Endit.
The grandmother instead of going but instead stuck his stick into the ground and looked Nyai
Endit furiously.
"Hey Endit ..! During this time God gives rijki abundant but you're not grateful. You miser!
While the villagers were starving you even wasting food "cried the grandmother fiery. "I came
here as an answer to the prayers of people who are miserable because of your doing! Now be
prepared to receive your punishment. "
"Ha ha ha ... You want to punish me? Not one of ya? You do not see the guard-centengku much!
Once at it, you'd be dead, "said Nyai Endit.
"No need to bother me away," said the grandmother. "I'm going to go from here if you can
revoke my stick from the ground."
"Basic crazy grandmother. How hard nyabut stick. Without any effort I can! "Said Nyai Endit
Then hup! Nyai Endit tried to pull the stick with one hand. Turns out the stick was not budging.
He tried it with both hands. Hup hup! Still not budge too.
"Damn!" Said Nyai Endit. "Watchman! Disconnect stick to it! Beware that until not uprooted. I
cut your salary! "
Guard-watchman was trying to pull out the stick grandmother, but though it was drawn by three
people, stick it remains unmoved.
"Ha ha ha ... you do not succeed?" Said the grandmother. "Apparently you do not how power.
See I would pull this stick. "
Brut! With a jerk, the stick has been lifted off the ground. Byuuuuurrr !!!! Suddenly from the
former tancapan stick grandmother gush of water is very swift.
"Endit! This is the punishment for you! This water is the tears of the people who are miserable
because of you. You and all your possessions will be submerged by the water! "
Having said this, the old woman suddenly disappeared somewhere. Nyai stay Endit panicked see
water overflowing profusely. She tried to run to save his property, but the flood more quickly
drowned along with his property.
In the village has now formed a beautiful little lake. People called it 'Bagendit'. It means the lake
and Bagendit derived from Endit. Some people believe that sometimes we can see the leech of
the mattress at the bottom of the lake. He said it is the embodiment Nyai Endit were not able to
escape from the trap flood
Pada jaman dahulu kala disebelah utara kota garut ada sebuah desa yang penduduknya
kebanyakan adalah petani. Karena tanah di desa itu sangat subur dan tidak pernah kekurangan
air, maka sawah-sawah mereka selalu menghasilkan padi yang berlimpah ruah. Namun meski
begitu, para penduduk di desa itu tetap miskin kekurangan.
Hari masih sedikit gelap dan embun masih bergayut di dedaunan, namun para penduduk sudah
bergegas menuju sawah mereka. Hari ini adalah hari panen. Mereka akan menuai padi yang
sudah menguning dan menjualnya kepada seorang tengkulak bernama Nyai Endit.
Nyai Endit adalah orang terkaya di desa itu. Rumahnya mewah, lumbung padinya sangat luas
karena harus cukup menampung padi yang dibelinya dari seluruh petani di desa itu. Ya! Seluruh
petani. Dan bukan dengan sukarela para petani itu menjual hasil panennya kepada Nyai
Endit.Mereka terpaksa menjual semua hasil panennya dengan harga murah kalau tidak ingin cari
perkara dengan centeng-centeng suruhan nyai Endit.
Lalu jika pasokan padi mereka habis, mereka harus membeli dari nyai Endit dengan harga yang
melambung tinggi.
“Wah kapan ya nasib kita berubah?” ujar seorang petani kepada temannya. “Tidak tahan saya
hidup seperti ini. Kenapa yah, Tuhan tidak menghukum si lintah darat itu?”
“Sssst, jangan kenceng-kenceng atuh, nanti ada yang denger!” sahut temannya. “Kita mah harus
sabar! Nanti juga akan datang pembalasan yang setimpal bagi orang yang suka berbuat aniaya
pada orang lain. Kan Tuhan mah tidak pernah tidur!”
Sementara iru Nyai Endit sedang memeriksa lumbung padinya.
“Barja!” kata nyai Endit. “Bagaimana? Apakah semua padi sudah dibeli?” kata nyai Endit.
“Beres Nyi!” jawab centeng bernama Barja. “Boleh diperiksa lumbungnya Nyi! Lumbungnya
sudah penuh diisi padi, bahkan beberapa masih kita simpan di luar karena sudah tak muat lagi.”
“Ha ha ha ha…! Sebentar lagi mereka akan kehabisan beras dan akan membeli padiku. Aku akan
semakin kaya!!! Bagus! Awasi terus para petani itu, jangan sampai mereka menjual hasil
panennya ke tempat lain. Beri pelajaran bagi siapa saja yang membangkang!” kata Nyai Endit.
Benar saja, beberapa minggu kemudian para penduduk desa mulai kehabisan bahan makanan
bahkan banyak yang sudah mulai menderita kelaparan. Sementara Nyai Endit selalu berpesta
pora dengan makanan-makanan mewah di rumahnya.
“Aduh pak, persediaan beras kita sudah menipis. Sebentar lagi kita terpaksa harus membeli beras
ke Nyai Endit. Kata tetangga sebelah harganya sekarang lima kali lipat disbanding saat kita jual
dulu. Bagaimana nih pak? Padahal kita juga perlu membeli keperluan yang lain. Ya Tuhan,
berilah kami keringanan atas beban yang kami pikul.”
Begitulah gerutuan para penduduk desa atas kesewenang-wenangan Nyai Endit.
Suatu siang yang panas, dari ujung desa nampak seorang nenek yang berjalan terbungkukbungkuk.
Dia melewati pemukiman penduduk dengan tatapan penuh iba.
“Hmm, kasihan para penduduk ini. Mereka menderita hanya karena kelakuan seorang saja.
Sepertinya hal ini harus segera diakhiri,” pikir si nenek.
Dia berjalan mendekati seorang penduduk yang sedang menumbuk padi.
“Nyi! Saya numpang tanya,” kata si nenek.
“Ya nek ada apa ya?” jawab Nyi Asih yang sedang menumbuk padi tersebut
“Dimanakah saya bisa menemukan orang yang paling kaya di desa ini?” tanya si nenek
“Oh, maksud nenek rumah Nyi Endit?” kata Nyi Asih. “Sudah dekat nek. Nenek tinggal lurus
saja sampai ketemu pertigaan. Lalu nenek belok kiri. Nanti nenek akan lihat rumah yang sangat
besar. Itulah rumahnya. Memang nenek ada perlu apa sama Nyi Endit?”
“Saya mau minta sedekah,” kata si nenek.
“Ah percuma saja nenek minta sama dia, ga bakalan dikasih. Kalau nenek lapar, nenek bisa
makan di rumah saya, tapi seadanya,” kata Nyi Asih.
“Tidak perlu,” jawab si nenek. “Aku Cuma mau tahu reaksinya kalau ada pengemis yang minta
sedekah. O ya, tolong kamu beritahu penduduk yang lain untuk siap-siap mengungsi. Karena
sebentar lagi akan ada banjir besar.”
“Nenek bercanda ya?” kata Nyi Asih kaget. “Mana mungkin ada banjir di musim kemarau.”
“Aku tidak bercanda,” kata si nenek.”Aku adalah orang yang akan memberi pelajaran pada Nyi
Endit. Maka dari itu segera mengungsilah, bawalah barang berharga milik kalian,” kata si nenek.
Setelah itu si nenek pergi meniggalkan Nyi Asih yang masih bengong.
Sementara itu Nyai Endit sedang menikmati hidangan yang berlimpah, demikian pula para
centengnya. Si pengemis tiba di depan rumah Nyai Endit dan langsung dihadang oleh para
“Hei pengemis tua! Cepat pergi dari sini! Jangan sampai teras rumah ini kotor terinjak kakimu!”
bentak centeng.
“Saya mau minta sedekah. Mungkin ada sisa makanan yang bisa saya makan. Sudah tiga hari
saya tidak makan,” kata si nenek.
“Apa peduliku,” bentak centeng. “Emangnya aku bapakmu? Kalau mau makan ya beli jangan
minta! Sana, cepat pergi sebelum saya seret!”
Tapi si nenek tidak bergeming di tempatnya. “Nyai Endit keluarlah! Aku mau minta sedekah.
Nyai Endiiiit…!” teriak si nenek.
Centeng- centeng itu berusaha menyeret si nenek yang terus berteriak-teriak, tapi tidak berhasil.
“Siapa sih yang berteriak-teriak di luar,” ujar Nyai Endit. “Ganggu orang makan saja!”
“Hei…! Siapa kamu nenek tua? Kenapa berteriak-teriak di depan rumah orang?” bentak Nyai
“Saya Cuma mau minta sedikit makanan karena sudah tiga hari saya tidak makan,” kata nenek.
“Lah..ga makan kok minta sama aku? Tidak ada! Cepat pergi dari sini! Nanti banyak lalat nyium
baumu,” kata Nyai Endit.
Si nenek bukannya pergi tapi malah menancapkan tongkatnya ke tanah lalu memandang Nyai
Endit dengan penuh kemarahan.
“Hei Endit..! Selama ini Tuhan memberimu rijki berlimpah tapi kau tidak bersyukur. Kau kikir!
Sementara penduduk desa kelaparan kau malah menghambur-hamburkan makanan” teriak si
nenek berapi-api. “Aku datang kesini sebagai jawaban atas doa para penduduk yang sengsara
karena ulahmu! Kini bersiaplah menerima hukumanmu.”
“Ha ha ha … Kau mau menghukumku? Tidak salah nih? Kamu tidak lihat centeng-centengku
banyak! Sekali pukul saja, kau pasti mati,” kata Nyai Endit.
“Tidak perlu repot-repot mengusirku,” kata nenek. “Aku akan pergi dari sini jika kau bisa
mencabut tongkatku dari tanah.”
“Dasar nenek gila. Apa susahnya nyabut tongkat. Tanpa tenaga pun aku bisa!” kata Nyai Endit
Lalu hup! Nyai Endit mencoba mencabut tongkat itu dengan satu tangan. Ternyata tongkat itu
tidak bergeming. Dia coba dengan dua tangan. Hup hup! Masih tidak bergeming juga.
“Sialan!” kata Nyai Endit. “Centeng! Cabut tongkat itu! Awas kalau sampai tidak tercabut. Gaji
kalian aku potong!”
Centeng-centeng itu mencoba mencabut tongkat si nenek, namun meski sudah ditarik oleh tiga
orang, tongkat itu tetap tak bergeming.
“Ha ha ha… kalian tidak berhasil?” kata si nenek. “Ternyata tenaga kalian tidak seberapa. Lihat
aku akan mencabut tongkat ini.”
Brut! Dengan sekali hentakan, tongkat itu sudah terangkat dari tanah. Byuuuuurrr!!!! Tiba-tiba
dari bekas tancapan tongkat si nenek menyembur air yang sangat deras.
“Endit! Inilah hukuman buatmu! Air ini adalah air mata para penduduk yang sengsara karenamu.
Kau dan seluruh hartamu akan tenggelam oleh air ini!”
Setelah berkata demikian si nenek tiba-tiba menghilang entah kemana. Tinggal Nyai Endit yang
panik melihat air yang meluap dengan deras. Dia berusaha berlari menyelamatkan hartanya,
namun air bah lebih cepat menenggelamkannya beserta hartanya.
Di desa itu kini terbentuk sebuah danau kecil yang indah. Orang menamakannya ‘Situ Bagendit’.
Situ artinya danau dan Bagendit berasal dari kata Endit. Beberapa orang percaya bahwa kadangkadang
kita bisa melihat lintah sebesar kasur di dasar danau. Katanya itu adalah penjelmaan Nyai
Endit yang tidak berhasil kabur dari jebakan air bah

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